02 May 2007

May Will Be Better

Yeah, yeah. A whole month went by, and not one post. I'm a bad person.

In truth, though, I just haven't made any big plot developments, nor any more half-finished concept art to show or anything. At the beginning of the month, I was really rarin' to go... Had the Copics all charged up, ready to color, but then... I just didn't finish anything. And then I kind of went off of Heterochromia because too many plot things weren't working. I didn't get stuck, but I just had to completely overhaul some of the ideas, which I just wasn't ready to do. Especially since I had nothing to replace them with.

I'm over that now, thanks to a combination of lovely HUGE headphones, Death Cab for Cutie (Plans), and sci-fi writing books. Maybe a little Dickens (Oh A Tale of Two Cities, thou art a cruel mistress... "what plate and jewels would tarnish in Tellson's hiding-places, while the depositors rusted in prisons..." Genius.

In other English-literature-related news, the student teacher we had the last couple of months has set us back four weeks -_- Which means, in the space of 43 days, I will have to finish A Tale of Two Cities, Anthem, and Brave New World. Oh yeah, and did I mention there's an eleven-page (challenging, at the current point of education) research paper to write, and a paper proposal before that? That's just English. Science is a Xanthippe, too. Plus, yet another student teacher for math... but this one just can't teach. Ugh.
Because of this, I'd bet there will be few if any updates for May, I'm afraid. Still, it can't possibly be worse (in terms of updating schedule) than April, right?

In other news, three people have birthdays within one week of one another, I have a certain big dance to go to, and college-folk will be visiting any day now. Plus a friend will be visiting / moving back here during May.

... It looks to be a busy month. There may be an animation headed your way, though. If I feel like drawing hands tonight. (Unlikely)

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