22 May 2007


I really have no time to be writing this. But as my friend mentioned the other day, "The best writing is done when there is no time." (Okay, so it's not an exact quote, but he should be happy I'm making his message poetic.) But I thought I should check in.

My current dilemma with Heterochromia (it should be noted that I adore being able to link to one page to give a basic explanation) is deletion. I've made it far more developed than I ever wanted, and now, I simply have to get rid of some things. If I keep those things, it simply isn't my original story anymore, it isn't the direction I want to take it. But that also means throwing away material I worked hard on (or, really, saving it for later use in something else). I just need to take a few steps back before I can step forward again, hopefully in the right direction this time :)

On a different note, when I get around to making Heterochromia, I know exactly what the different volumes will be called:
1) Monochromacy
2) Dichromacy
3) Trichromacy
4) Tetrachromacy
5) Thermochromism
6) Electrocromism
7) Solvantochromism
8) Ionochromism
9) Halochromism
10) Tribochromism
11) Piezochromism
12) Photochromism

... I'm a fan of themes :3 Of course, the last couple titles can be switched around. Although I do like ending with Photochromism... O the symbolism~ Some of the other titles have something to do with the plot, too (not all of them, I admit... I doubt I'm going to work anything remotely connectible to a change in pH, or in ions. But you never know ;) Actually, now that I've said that, I've got ideas. Lol. )

Oh, before I forget: must pimp Scribus. Just got the program, but I adore it. Scribus is for desk-top publishing... I little like Microsoft's Frontpage, but not nearly as much of a pain. I will admit, it is a little bit buggy (it's crashed on me a couple times) because it's not really meant for Windows. It is fun, though. I'm probably that much further in my projects because I want to create content to play with in Scribus. Lol.

Also, finally enough posts to push the first one off the front page. w00t! (Not that I disliked that one, it just makes me seem dedicated)

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