17 March 2007

Final Stretch

Aaaaand, we've reached it folks... The final stretch before Spring Break. Let's hope I can survive.

Shamefully, it's been probably over a month since I last posted. In the interest of full disclosure, though, both a lot of stuff and very little has been happening lately. That is, a lot of stuff has happened. After all, how does a month go by with no events? On the other hand, however, I feel I've made very little progress. Not necessarily little progress in my art-- I've actually managed to complete seven thumbnails of comic pages, as well as multiple character designs. Not necessarily little progress in my social life: I finally have a boyfriend, got to see some of my friends who graduated and moved away last year, and I met many new relatives earlier this month whom I had never met before. Academics have been moving fast, too; I'm really enjoying my Theatre Tech class, Honors English is... sweeping me along, and I feel like I'm struggling to stay afloat in Biology, despite my remarkable grades. But, I'm still in the same place, in the same mind (thus very little has been happening). Am I a rock, steadfast as life moves by me? Oh, what a cliché claim. Maybe I've just cut myself off from the world; I haven't yet made much of a dent in it. Perhaps that's what I need. A dent to point to and say, "That was me. This is mine."

In other news (what a fast transition, eh?) I'll be doing the comics in my school's newspaper next year. What a treat, what a treat. If they aren't to school-specific, I might post some here. But I can't have you knowing where I attend, can I? ;) I'm very protective of my body. (Ferris Bueler's Day Off, anyone?) I look forward to that, as well as taking a course in Japanese (as well as continuing French). Possibly, I'll also be taking Anthropology half of the year and Creative Writing the other half. One can only hope.

I've been busy, I'll admit. This week and last, I've found myself scrambing to get everything done by the last minute, despite my honest efforts to do things ahead of time. Math homework, done during the lunch before, late-night essay writing. Normally, I would call time management one of my strengths-- I'm usually able to plan to do things and get them done in the time I give myself. Lately, though, I just can't. I think it's because... I'm finally feeling inspired to make art. The weather is warm, the light is good; I so desperately want to create that I can't focus on what I know must be done before I indulge. And so I waste time, dreaming about making art instead of doing it (or working). The time slips away, until, even if I were to finish the work, there wouldn't be enough time afterward to make my art. So I hurry, finish what I must, leave the rest for later, and the cycle begins again.
So, I felt anxious when I found myself without work. I knew there would be things I had to do later. The sun was shining (though not as much as the day before, when I was loaded down with work), my boyfriend had baked me brownies shaped like hearts, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was nestled safely inside the DVR, Twilight Princess inside the Wii. I felt anxious, but absolutely, luxuriously done. I know that when Spring Break, that mini-vacation given so students don't completely implode under the pressure, rolls around, I won't feel as refreshed as that day. A little sabbath in my week.

the show ends today. I'll miss you, Ze Frank; your uncomfortably close-ups, your unblinking eyes, your precious mixture of jokes for all viewers and special references to make the faithful viewers feel special, your balance between political commentary, personal life, and thoughtful metaphors. In these last few days, these last few episodes, I've realized what a strong, pure community can spark from watching a guy with those qualities through the weekdays, even with so little time to appreciate him. I'll miss discussing the new shows with friends, sharing more lingo with otherwise strangers. But I'm glad the show won't have to jump the shark. I'll just have to discuss the old shows, keep the words alive, and read the signs my own way.
Goodbye, the show. Hope to see more of Ze Frank soon.

Happy St. Patrick's day, all you Americans out there.

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