19 February 2007

Hello Again, I Haven't Died

Once again, I apologize for the lack of updates-- I don't even really have an excuse this time. Well actually, I do: I've done so many sketches that when I try to merge the sketches, Photoshop crashes. It's true. So I thought I'd try finishing a sketch before I post it. And then I did some character concept pages, yet to be finished, but close. I'm also working on thumbnails for some pages of a new sci-fi I'm working on. I would post them, but they're really rough, and since I haven't designed the aliens yet, I've substitued Daleks XD Maybe I'll post the thumbs if I go back and add the aliens in.

Come to think of it, I did finish something, and I think you're going to like it:
Mais ouis. Hope you don't mind the watermark-- I don't want it stolen.

In other news, I have entered the next year of my life (but I won't tell you which one ^_~ ) And because of that, I now HAVE A WII. So don't expect a lot of updates after this XD It was a big surprise-- I never expected to get one, much less from the person who gave it to me. Not only that, they gave me The Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess, and my boyfriend gave me Harvest Moon (for Gamecube) I'm so excited!

I also saw Music and Lyrics. I thought it was pretty good (which should count for something, since I don't really like romantic comedies, and think Hugh Grant can be kind of iffy sometimes (though I do like Drew Barimore) )

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