29 January 2007

Day One

Ar, I apologize for the lack of updates x_x I've been very, very busy recently, mostly due to Finals. But! I am working. There will soon be things upon which to feast the eyes; character designs, other concept pictures, and perhaps even a little rotoscoping venture of mine.

Today was the first day of second semester, including a period of independent study. This means that, every other day, I will have just over two free hours in which to animate to my heart's content :D Be expecting great things from me! I'm excited and optimistic.

So, I don't really have anything relating to my story(ies) ready to show you, but I guess I can post some sketches I have done of my friend's novel. Apparently, I've been imagining most of her characters completely wrong, though. It's her fault anyway, for not describing them, so there. Anyway, enjoy, even if you have no idea what these sketches are of:

I hate drawing stacks of books. They are obscenely hard, and not all that satisfying at times. They're all... skew. Ah well. That's what that thing is by the door, by the way (with the triangular prism floating over it)

Also, I'm now obsessed with the show with Zefrank.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, it is my fault for just talking about the characters and not rewriting the chapters so you can have a solid description. You have no idea how helpful this is for me, though. ^_^ And I appreciate artwork, always.