16 January 2007

Snow Day and Storyboarding

Snow pours down over the whole area, and school is canceled--Meaning, a four-day weekend (thanks to MLK) .

Perhaps its because I'm worried I'll just let this blog die that I feel very anxious to update again... Afterall, it has onlhy been three days since my first post. Nonetheless, I wouldn't post if I didn't have some sort of news, and here it is:

Although hard to see at that size (click for bigger size), as well as very rough and by no means finished, this is the opening sequence (or at least, what is currently planned to be the first sequence) for an animation I hope to do in the near future. In all honesty, I didn't know what was happening in the scene when I wrote/drew it for this--I don't really know what all I'm going to animate. Ah well, it seemed natural. Plus, I do really like the second and third frames... especially for the small amount of time in which I sketched them. I should work with my tablet more often.

The main character shown here, the woman on the front of the boat, is named Ashe. She is the main character of my planned novel, SeaFox, but I think this animation will only be a short story including her. Maybe I'll work it into the novel? It is do-able; after all, I don't what is really happening in this scene yet--I merely think that it is intriguing (although, more so if you know the story... and can read the dialogue XD ), and it inspires many possible delicious outcomes.

Previously, the story of SeaFox was promised, and I shall provide it soon. However, I feel as though it should have a post all its own, so that I can refer and link people back to it should they ask about the story. Plus, I would like to create some visual aides, because SeaFox may also be a graphic novel/manga or anime someday, as well as because it is a somewhat complex storyline. Of course, I have not yet planned the whole thing... mostly the beginning and end. I suppose that is good, because those are the parts people will remember most, unless I do an incredible scene in the middle of the book. Still, I will need to plan the middle some day.

Argh, I feel so... un-eloquent today, and for that I apologize. Must be the snow.

There will be more storyboards later, as well as accompanying animation, someday. I hope to complete another four panels today, and maybe begin some of the finalized pictures.

It's all snowy outside... I wish I could just curl up with a mug of hot cocoa and the box set of Invader Zim (and maybe a television/DVD player to watch them on) ... or maybe Chocolat. Mais non, I do not possess those particular entertainments. AT LEAST I HAVE THE INTERNET! As such, I will provide you with links to my favorite entertainments:

Weird Al Music Videos = Yes!
Bitey Castle, AMAZING animation
Fade to Black, a theatre comic (Say YES to friend-pimping)
Radio Lab -- Unreasonably interesting explorations
Just enjoy :D

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