21 June 2008

Renewing and Reflecting

Yeah, yeah, long time no entry. School is to blame, not going to rant about it now that it's out. More importantly, I'm back on working on Heterochromia, and decided to make a few revisions.

I realize that it may seem a bit early for such things; after all, only 7 pages have been posted. However, there is a bit of information that I intended to share in that initial conversation (which just ended, essentially) that was not included. It makes more sense to me to go back and add some pages now, when I have a context that easily allows for it, than to try and force it later. It is also more reasonable to slip them in as soon as possible rather than continuing on with the story and backtracking even more.

With the original set up of the story, I was having trouble moving one scene into the next but staying within the chapter--there are lots of events that I know I want to take place, but it wouldn't make sense for them to take place so early. I am somewhat struggling to fill out the first chapter; I know I need things to happen to establish characters, settings, situations, before I can commence telling my favorite parts, I simply cannot seem to figure out how to do that. Extending the conversation is one way for me to do that. After all, Tamino is obviously new to the place where Pan lives (if that isn't as obvious as it is supposed to be, then an extension really is needed, badly) so it is reasonable for him to have more questions than just about her name. I also didn't get a chance to show the interior of the structure seen in the beginning (the rocks)... does it even come across that they've moved inside it? ;; That is partially because I didn't really have a good idea of what the inside looked like (and still don't, in reality).

So much to cover.

In inserting some pages, I also have the dilemma of how to upload them. I currently plan to add 2 to 4 pages between pages 2 and 3. Would it make sense to upload them one at a time (so for a while one would just have to keep in mind that some of the content between the new page 3 and the page following it (current page 3) is missing) or in a batch? A batch would take longer, but would be less ambiguous. It would also disallow me from posting any new pages for a while... would it be too confusing to upload the interim pages and pages following page 7 alternatingly? The pages would be kept in proper order in my deviantart account, but would appear out of order on this blog.

In the end, I suppose it all depends on what I get done first. I would really worry about this whole issue more if I had more readers--knowing that I don't, really, gives me a little more freedom, I suppose (though I would still rather have readers). Anyway, I can't upload anything until I get back from my vacation. I'm only writing this post now because I've been itching to since I started planning the interim pages.

Most likely, the next post will be about more general art things, rather than Heterochromia. The original intention of the blog was to discuss my art, not just my comic, but Heterochromia's sort of dominated it for a while. So, I'm going to try and work back to the original intention a bit, though I will still update with Heterochromia too. And maybe some other, non-art things, as well.

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