29 March 2007

A Difference in Colouration Between Two Structures Normally Alike in Colour

That is, heterochromia (usually referring to the eye or iris).

Which, as it happens (by no coincidence at all), is the name of the comic for which I may now present some concept art. But first, an explanation of the story:
Some time ago (between ten and eighteen years prior to the story), an alien race called the Satekae came to Earth seeking its natural resources. The resident humans of the time, however, naturally objected to Satekae taking control of their resources. The conflict elevated to an all-out war. The great majority of humans were killed, but a limited number were taken as workers by the Satekae. For some time after, the humans were to severely oppressed that much of their knowledge and culture were lost. Now, however, the shock of enslavement is wearing off, and with it, the instinct to become free grows. Panima heads plans for rebellion against the Satekae, her methods favoring violence and vengeance over preservation of what is left of mankind. When Tamino, a man from the "superpower" government (in a similar way as the United States of America are considered a "superpower") of the galaxy shows up, however, Pan finds herself switching tactics, instead trying to gain his favor so that he will convince others from his government to order humans' freedom. What a long-winded explanation. But, I haven't written anything in a while... Give me a break.

17 March 2007

Final Stretch

Aaaaand, we've reached it folks... The final stretch before Spring Break. Let's hope I can survive.

Shamefully, it's been probably over a month since I last posted. In the interest of full disclosure, though, both a lot of stuff and very little has been happening lately. That is, a lot of stuff has happened. After all, how does a month go by with no events? On the other hand, however, I feel I've made very little progress. Not necessarily little progress in my art-- I've actually managed to complete seven thumbnails of comic pages, as well as multiple character designs. Not necessarily little progress in my social life: I finally have a boyfriend, got to see some of my friends who graduated and moved away last year, and I met many new relatives earlier this month whom I had never met before. Academics have been moving fast, too; I'm really enjoying my Theatre Tech class, Honors English is... sweeping me along, and I feel like I'm struggling to stay afloat in Biology, despite my remarkable grades. But, I'm still in the same place, in the same mind (thus very little has been happening). Am I a rock, steadfast as life moves by me? Oh, what a cliché claim. Maybe I've just cut myself off from the world; I haven't yet made much of a dent in it. Perhaps that's what I need. A dent to point to and say, "That was me. This is mine."