13 July 2010

Latest Journal, Logo Thoughts

I'll start off this entry with the latest journal I've decorated. This one is for a friend, who is a fan of Liverpool--that bird's their logo, and the back says "Liverpool Football Club." Can't wait to give it to her!
As before, if you're interested in one, they're available in both my etsy and DaWanda shops.

With that plug completed, I'll get onto the topic I really wanted to cover in this entry: the Heterochromia logo. These posts may actually be a bit self-serving: much of my motivation for putting this together is to remember my influences, explain to myself as much as to others the direction I want to take with it. My current thought is that there will be an "influences" / "inspirations" journal, the next will probably be sketches, then some more finished versions until I've decided on one I will use (at least for some length of time). Of course, this is just a plan for a set of entries in the future--for now, I just wanted to share my new journal and my thoughts about it.

(Arf, I hope this entry doesn't seem pointless...)

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