I added a couple pages between current pages 2 and 3, that set things up a little better. The page numbers from now on will have these pages included (so apparently there are no 8 and 9 pages)
New pages 3 and 4
Heterochromia: Page 3
So, it's a new page inserted into the beginning. I hope the penultimate panel (or group of panels) makes sense--her hand it supposed to be scanned, but I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with the effect yet. May be changed yet, if I think of something better.
Anyone know how I might write a "nod" sound effect in French? "Signe de la tĂȘte" is a bit too long for my bubble.
Heterochromia: Page 4
Finally posted these two pages that I've wanted to add in. I felt like there wasn't enough definition to the setting...but then now that I think about it, they've already moved out of this room by the next page. So it goes. This is the one that really set me back, though--who wouldn't be intimidated by drawing all those rocks? Actually, what intimidated me more was wrestling with perspective (even though it seems rather simple in this picture;; ) and designing the setting in general. I spent all day working on this on New Year's Eve. Thank goodness the toning was relatively simple to do.
Heterochromia: Page 10
No long ramble for this one, because it's late/early (1:20am) and this page has been a long time in coming, from start to finish--reflecting on the whole process would be hard. That said... (onto the long ramble)
Before this, I had only once been able to draw Tilamere as I wanted her to look--that she came out so well on this page is a little miracle, that has continued onto the next pages by some celestial grace. This is an unusual page layout for me. I am rarely able to pull off an unbordered panel that satisfies me. But, with Tilamere's introduction, I just had to make a page layout that would suit her personality; thus, the shoujo-esq flowery headshot.
It took me a while to figure out precisely how I wanted to do the flowers. None of the screentones or manga brushes available to me quite fit the job. I saw a certain page of Acid Monday with an incredible flowery backdrop, but when I asked, Lucid said that the tone was available in the program she uses, not for download. So then I went for plan B: find a good flower picture, make it into a screentone. After a bit of searching and trial and error, I found a useful flower stock that I was able to use. Desaturated it, played with the brightness/contrast, used the cutout filter, then replaced each "cutout level" with a tone pattern of the same brightness. Clever, non?
...actually, that turned out to be one of the longer rambles.
Heterochromia: Page 11
This one has been production a long time... Inks have been done for months, but I just haven't had time to tone it. Trying to get back into the same style of toning was tough; I think I captured it, but if it seems inconsistent, that's why. I really struggled to tone this page in a balanced way. For all that struggle, I think I'm pretty happy with the result.
Since it has been so long since it was drawn (I'm fairly confident this page was done before even pages 3 and 4), I don't really have much to say about it.
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