26 May 2008


It's been a while since I last updated, I realize. All for good reason, I assure you: school-end rush. Time for the English teacher to decide that it was time to make us pay for having a relatively easy year because she doesn't believe in the importance of grades. Time for me to get sick and miss almost two weeks' worth of school (over the course of three weeks, with days of relative health interspersed). Time for a midterm, worth the same amount as the final, on the subject of the unit I missed during those days. Time to have two weeks to work a paper from a no-grade to the highest I can possibly manage. Thus, sadly, time to shirk art.

I'm guessing that if I do upload something soon, it will probably be concept art rather than a comic page... I dunno if I've even started penciling much of page... eight?

Aaaand that reminds me that I haven't put six or seven up here yet, though they've been on Deviantart for a while. I guess I do have an update for here, then.

Heterochromia: Page 6
This is the first page with a solid black area, did you notice? (I probably wouldn't, but for the virtue of having drawn it myself) Whipped out the copic marker for that one, since I don’t have any other plain black markers. I hope it doesn’t feel like I’m copping out for the background of the last panel (the majority of the page). It simply didn’t make sense to me to have much there—inside his room doesn’t have the lines running across the walls like the hallway does, and since he’s just walked into the room, in order to see his front, we basically just see the wall, not any sort of interesting furniture. Not that there really is much furniture there, mind you. Maybe someday you’ll get a further glimpse at Tamino’s lodgings. You’ll find they’re very… sparse. That’s sort of the Satekae (the aliens) style.
Speaking of the aliens, the one on this pages was really cute before I inked it. I almost miss it.
Although it’s probably not particularly noticeable, the panel lines on this page are more distinct and cleaner. Think I’m getting better.
Fairly happy with the lower figure drawing. Obviously, the anatomy’s a bit off (though trust me, it was worse before). Most frustrating, I think, are Tamino’s pants. They continually come out as just sort of baggy, when they’re actually supposed to be in sort of a boot-cut style. I feel like the wrinkles on the pants really stand out as the worst of them. I’d try fiddling with it, but I’d really rather move on and draw it better in the future.
Probably one of the quickest tone jobs of the lot, since its fairly simplistic. Toned while watching an episode of Doctor Who series 4 (Fires of Pompeii, btw). I had initially thought of including some sort of “loneliness” sound effect... there is something similar to that in Japanese (“ potsun” - ぽつん, according to Nihongoresources' giongo/gitaigo dictionary) or some sort of wind sound effect in English so show the room's emptiness or something. Decided to leave it plain, though—maybe the emptiness expresses itself?

Heterochromia: Page 7
In all honesty, I only vaguely remember my process for drawing this page. Part of it was done with blue lead, as the other pages were, but others were with regular lead because I ran out of blue and none of the local art shops carry it anymore. Go figure. Regular lead is easier to erase, anyway.
Anyway, you can see some experimentation with style here... Compare Pan's hair in the dominant panel versus the bottom right. Also, the first semblance of perspective, and it's completely messed up. I think it looks half-decent at a glance, somewhat believable (at least, to me, anyway. Clearly my brain isn't so strict with perspective) Just don't check it >_<
Perhaps somewhat interestingly, a lot of this was inked in a bowling alley. I wasn't bowling, but I was there anyway, so I thought I'd finish this up while listening to... Comic Timing? Around Comics? One of those podcasts (pretty sure it was Comic Timing). Toned while listening to the Morevi Podcast by Tee Morris.

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