01 August 2010

Another Week, Another Missed Update

Sorry for the radio-silence over the last couple weeks. I have indeed been working on the upcoming Heterochromia page, but it features a subject I find more difficult than that of most other pages. I also would have posted more the past couple weeks (with the exception of days spent helping a friend move, and hours and hours spent watching Inception), but approaching Kon Hayai or my sketchbook made me think guiltily of the work I should be doing instead on the current page. And so, the cause of my inactivity, and definitely the cause of it in the past: feeling that the larger project should consume other creativity-related processes, instead of giving each its turn. I'm finally breaking that now, though I do not have much to bring you of my own creation.Mostly I post to affirm my presence--I am not gone, but continue working on what is a very difficult page for me.

I am thinking that the next update may consist of the second part of Logo Growth.

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