10 July 2010

The Pledge, Again, and Stumptown

And now for the semi-annual blog update. Right now, I'm running hot; updating all over the place, trying to increase my internet activity everywhere, from deviantart to Heterochromia, and have opened up new shops at both etsy and DaWanda. Right now I'm only selling custom mini journals like this one:
Obviously, journals need not only be used for Stumptown and Convention Planning.

This is the sort of casual "resolution" that I make a lot: I promise myself that I will start updating more, will gain more of an internet presence, will really start networking. And almost always, this means running hot for a day, a week, maybe a month, and then remembering that I have a blog and an art gallery about six months later. It's a challenge not to abandon something when you want everything you put into it to be so good (not that everything I have put into either one has been so good, but that doesn't mean the desire wasn't there). I don't want to update this day because I haven't got the energy to write at my best and most poetical, I don't want to update that day because I haven't done anything worth writing about. Are more frequent updates worth a reduction in quality? But it turns out that on the internet, the answer is yes.

So here I go again, and hopefully it'll last this time.

Aside from internet activity (and actual life goals and responsibilities), the genuine goal I have is to have a table (or half-table) at Stumptown Comics Fest 2011. Obviously, it's a while away yet (late April), but as it'll be my first exhibition. I have about half a year to ready chapter 1 for reprint, chapter 2 for first print, hopefully finish chapter 3 and get it ready for print, try to assemble the three into a collected paperback, on top of generating art for posters, promos, and prints. I plan on offering bookmarks, stickers, and maybe buttons, too, on top of getting Heterochromia set up with a better web design and logo. It's... quite a bit to do, and too easy to think, "With that much time? How could I not get it done?" My track record says otherwise, taking last summer into account (an unusually productive period, in which I was able to rush chapter 1 to print) and adding to that that this is the only time of year in which I can get into classes in Linguistics (the field in which I want to eventually major...). All this work I accept, trying to keep in mind that this is a hobby, and not really expected to generate a living; it may all be done, and I may still not be able to get a table--I read that 2010's exhibitor slots filled up in record time, by early February (I have no idea when registration opened, though).

If it is possible to give myself Early-to-Mid Year's Resolutions, I have given myself quite a doozy. And so, I begin my work and hope I can handle it all.

Until my next post, which will undoubtedly occur before Stumptown 2011, but I can't make many more promises than that.

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