02 May 2008

Page 5

Sorry, too tired today to post anything aside from the page. Enjoy. Right to left as always.

Heterochromia: Page 5
The last of the first batch of pages done in December/January... Although I drew it then, I didn't end up printing it for the preview because it wouldn't fit into the print layout. I mostly worked on it then because I was avoiding working on page 4 >_> Haven't really much to say about drawing the thing because of that, but I did try some new toning techniques... particularly panels two and three, I didn't really have ideas about the tones going into it.
I'd been kind of putting off doing this page since Windows crashed, because it meant getting used to the Gimp. So I get bonus points for that, I suppose--doing it with unfamiliar tools. So it goes, a learning experience, etc etc.

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