26 May 2008


It's been a while since I last updated, I realize. All for good reason, I assure you: school-end rush. Time for the English teacher to decide that it was time to make us pay for having a relatively easy year because she doesn't believe in the importance of grades. Time for me to get sick and miss almost two weeks' worth of school (over the course of three weeks, with days of relative health interspersed). Time for a midterm, worth the same amount as the final, on the subject of the unit I missed during those days. Time to have two weeks to work a paper from a no-grade to the highest I can possibly manage. Thus, sadly, time to shirk art.

I'm guessing that if I do upload something soon, it will probably be concept art rather than a comic page... I dunno if I've even started penciling much of page... eight?

Aaaand that reminds me that I haven't put six or seven up here yet, though they've been on Deviantart for a while. I guess I do have an update for here, then.

02 May 2008

Page 5

Sorry, too tired today to post anything aside from the page. Enjoy. Right to left as always.

Heterochromia: Page 5
The last of the first batch of pages done in December/January... Although I drew it then, I didn't end up printing it for the preview because it wouldn't fit into the print layout. I mostly worked on it then because I was avoiding working on page 4 >_> Haven't really much to say about drawing the thing because of that, but I did try some new toning techniques... particularly panels two and three, I didn't really have ideas about the tones going into it.
I'd been kind of putting off doing this page since Windows crashed, because it meant getting used to the Gimp. So I get bonus points for that, I suppose--doing it with unfamiliar tools. So it goes, a learning experience, etc etc.