06 July 2007

An Empyreal Return

Well, I neglected to post from France (although in all honesty, I had plenty of opportunity) simply because I had little to update. Let it be known that I did start writing for SeaFox... which, I am reminded, I still owe an explanation post for (for easy reference). Nonetheless, it was real writing this time, not just plotting--something I haven't done (on paper) for too long. I find it difficult to write, however, without a thesaurus or at least a dictionary nearby; not because I feel I must "spice up" my writing with fancier words, but because I often think of words of which I can recall only one sound and the meaning (thus a thesaurus is helpful in that I can look up the meaning and work backwards from there by sounds). When I write without one, the page is dominated with circles marking "filler" phrases to be replaced later. Not to mention strike-throughs of ungodly length for lack of backspace button (assuming I'm writing on paper, with my new French fountain pen).

In other recent events, my sketchbook in nearly full. An event that is impressive only because I have never succeeded in filling one before--this sketchbook is nearly three years old and one hundred pages, not exactly a breakneck speed to fill it up at. (Although, in my defense, I would often draw on loose paper and more recently digitally as well) I shall make an effort to inundate the next one with newfound artistic passion! (lol) The sketchbook currently contains a few concept pages I plan to post eventually (in some likelihood in no short timeframe--the pages make little sense standing alone, and I have not completed all of the concepts) Also there are character drawings to be uploaded as well... Perhaps next time, though, because this is merely a returning-from-France and teaser post, lol.

I apologize if this post seems overly... eloquent. Between finally writing again and reading Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, my verboseness seems to have returned (I blame Anthem, Brave New World, and Catcher in the Rye for the recent diminution of my preferred and natural writing style... It is nice to return from the almost-notorious brevity of my schoolwork. Although perhaps some of you are hoping for that relief again ^_^;; )

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