06 July 2007

An Empyreal Return

Well, I neglected to post from France (although in all honesty, I had plenty of opportunity) simply because I had little to update. Let it be known that I did start writing for SeaFox... which, I am reminded, I still owe an explanation post for (for easy reference). Nonetheless, it was real writing this time, not just plotting--something I haven't done (on paper) for too long. I find it difficult to write, however, without a thesaurus or at least a dictionary nearby; not because I feel I must "spice up" my writing with fancier words, but because I often think of words of which I can recall only one sound and the meaning (thus a thesaurus is helpful in that I can look up the meaning and work backwards from there by sounds). When I write without one, the page is dominated with circles marking "filler" phrases to be replaced later. Not to mention strike-throughs of ungodly length for lack of backspace button (assuming I'm writing on paper, with my new French fountain pen).