24 September 2009

Remiss? Maybe. Printers? Seeking.

If you keep up with my comic at any one of numerous other places news about it is posted (my deviantArt page, its own Smackjeeves page, etc) you will no doubt have read about the arrival of my printed copies of the first chapter of Heterochromia:

I was thrilled to receive them, of course, and launched Heterochromia's comic website with their arrival. There and on my deviantArt page, I wrote longish journals about my decision to put the comic online as well as in print. I didn't post anything about that here. Why? Simply because I didn't want to have to write another entry, to be honest. Here is what has been posted at Smackjeeves since I received the printed copies (August 26th):

"To celebrate the arrival of the first prints of the first chapter of Heterochromia, I've decided to also launch Heterochromia on Smackjeeves.