10 August 2009

Difference in Coloration, Changes of Plans

It was a busy school year, being my last in high school, so that's all I have to excuse the lack of postings since the end of March, and the gaps that existed before that. Lots of things have changed for me, but I am still continuing Heterochromia. In fact, I'm making an effort to take it more places now.

For a start, I've finished the first chapter. All the pages are drawn, inked, lettered and toned. Which brings me to the next part, that all the pages which have been posted so far have been redone. The illustrations are the same, I have just found a better style for toning them so that the online pages are more similar to how they will appear in print.

For the early ones, I had been toning each page twice (or more): once for future printing purposes, and once for display on-screen. Screentones which appear fine printed often look hideous onscreen, so it was too tricky a process to try to balance the two in one image. However, I still wanted that "manga" look with screentones instead of grayscale, especially since it was often more visually interesting that way.